Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Happiest Place on Earth...

Recently we took a trip to Disneyland. As usual, it was a great time. But there was something special this trip. 

There is a certain magic in the air at Disneyland. A magic that makes you feel like anything is possible. You take down your walls & are vulnerable & open. (At least that's how I feel) 

This magic was exactly what we needed. We have had some rough times lately- and we needed a few days where we spent them in sheer happiness & openess. 

We had a lot of great, casual-yet deep conversations. A lot of them about Candice's transition. Every time we talked about it, it makes me wonder why I am at all nervous. Why I think anything will change. I know it won't. I know in heart we are meant to be with each other. That this path is the one we are supposed to be on. 

The whole time we were there all I could think about was Candice, and how much I love her, and how I can't wait to see where life takes us next. 

I feel so excited about our adventures and about seeing her be her true self. Words can't describe the way I am feeling. 


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